Sunday, February 15, 2009

What is a Sound Circle?

I am often asked what a sound circle is. To me, it is a gathering of beings (& why I call mine The Sound Gathering), to share sound, music-making & silence. We gather to share & learn from each other. It is more improvisational in nature than formal music-making, & the results are often beautiful & harmonious.

Some people may ask how does it differ from a drum circle. I started doing drum circles some years ago, incorporating Native-American as well as African drumming sequences. But my interest in combining drumming with all other sound modalities grew as my personal sound practice grew. I now also incorporate I Ching drumming (started by Melinda "Mo" Maxfield in California some years ago, as part of her Psychology Ph.D. dissertation), all percussion instruments (wooden drums, shakers, gongs, etc.), toning, chanting, crystal & Tibetan singing bowls (one of my favorites), chimes, Sanskrit Mantra chanting, acoustic & electronic instruments, spontaneous movement, breathing & vocalizing, & occasionally my laptop (to make sounds & also record the sessions). I am often "treated" by others when they bring their own instruments, & create amazing sounds I may not have heard before. Then I want one of those instruments too!

The key is also to make the sound circles enjoyable & fun for all. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to seasoned sound circle participants, from very young children to our beautiful senior citizens. I am a little "jealous" of those first-time participants, as they will often experience that night a completely new (to them) & wonderful "shower of sound & light" :-) Every time I make sound I get to experience this as well, but that first time is priceless...

Drop me a note to share what other things you add to your own sound circles, or would like to experience in one of them.



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